Project You: Monthly Subscription
Project You: Monthly Subscription
Subscribe to Project You to begin receiving monthly workouts & a nutrition plan that aims towards toning up & burning fat every single week.
This is a hands on program that I am there every step to work with you on workouts, nutrition & lifestyle to not just set you up for short-term results, but life long.
Upon joining you will receive either the beginner 4 week workout guide or dive right into the advanced level (you select during registration). You will also receive your first week of the meal plan.
(You can join or cancel at any time by heading to registration or contacting me)
Workout Notes:
Workouts are sent weekly to the group (4 days per week)
Check-ins are every Wednesday via option selected & Sunday a brief check-in is sent via the Slack App (free)
Modifications are written in as descriptions - no photo demonstration.
Nutrition Notes:
Plans are sent weekly
Check-ins are every Wednesday via option selected & Sunday a brief check-in is sent via the Slack App (free)
Substitutes are provided for breakfast, lunch & dinner selections
Progress Photo Requirements:
Forward Facing - arms to sides
Backwards Facing - arms to sides
Side Facing - arms straight out from chest
Measurements Requirements:
Chest - directly under arm pits
Right Arm - bicep
Left Arm - bicep
Waist - above belly button
Hips - above glutes
Right Thigh - upper
Left Thigh - upper